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Biodolomer® I 900392-7

Biodolomer® I 900392-7

Biodolomer® I 900392-7 is a biomaterial developed for the injection molding process for medium flexible applications. It is used for screw cap and drinking cup applications.

Bidolomer® I is made from renewable resources.



Test method

Grade 900392-7

Typical Basic Material properties of grade 900392-7

Certification of Compostability and Biodegrade

Biodolomer® I fulfills the requirements of the existing standards for industrial composting.

Food Regulatory Status

Biodolomer® I is one of the few compostable polymers, that complies in its composition with the European foodstuff legislation for food contact, EU Directive 10 / 2011 / EC with amendment 2023/1442.

Specific limitations and more details are given on request. The converter or packer has to check the suitability of the article for the application.

Biodolomer® I 900392-7

Form supplied and Storage

  • Biodolomer® I is supplied as lenticular pellets in big bags.

  • Temperatures during transportation and storage may not exceed 60 °C at any time.

  • Storage time of unopened bags may not surpass 12 months at room temperature(*).

     (*) 23 °C


Injection-moldable products made from Biodolomer® I benefit from an optimum balance of rigidity and toughness. Biodolomer® I is very

versatile in its range of applications by injection molding. They also

enable customers to produce biodegradable plastic components on

conventional injection molding machines. With our innovative Biodolomer® I grade, it is possible not only to fill thin-walled molds but also to achieve cycle times comparable with standard materials in the packaging industry. Furthermore, Biodolomer® I exhibit a noticeably increased flowability relative to comparable biodegradable injection molding grades.


The information submitted in this document is based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application, these data do not relieve processors of the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and experiments; neither do they imply any legally binding assurance for a special purpose. It is the responsibility of those to whom we supply our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed.

Datasheet updated

2024-06-12 9:15

(supersedes all previous editions)

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