About us
So what is Gaia and Biodolomer?
GAIA Biomaterials manufacture Biodolomer. A material that has most of the qualities of plastic – but not the disadvantages.
You can use it for bags, jars, golf pegs, fishing nets, bottles, food trays, coffee cups – you name it. Just like plastic.
But unlike plastic, Biodolomer has a limited life span. And after a while (we can set that time in the manufacturing process) it decomposes. Just as if it was a carrot or a leaf.
With plant pots of Biodolomer. You don't have to remove them when you plant. They just disappear.
Fishing nets from Biodolomer never become ghost nets. Biodolomer products will never create garbage islands in the oceans.

That sounds too good to be true – right?
It does – doesn’t it? And it gets even better. Since one of the main ingredients in Biodolomer is limestone, a decomposed bag or cup out of Biodolomer actually improves the quality of the soil.
Biodolomer comes in granules. Just like plastic. And those granules can be used in the same processes as other plastics. But the products that come out of those processes are part of the solution, not the problem.

We’re not the result of a cool idea from some cool kids at campus
Sorry. No fussball games in the office. Our story starts with our founder Åke Rosén back in 1977. Åke knows a thing or two about plastics and packaging and has a bit over 60 patents to his name. He started working with mineral-filled plastics and one of his first products was a golf peg that would dissolve in the grass overnight. And not ruin the lawnmowers the day after.
Åke's work was soon recognized by Dr Hans Rausing (ever heard of Tetra Pak? That’s the Rausing we talk about), and they set up a number of companies over the years.
Then Åke retired. But after hearing EU’s environmental commission talking about “we need to do something about fossil plastics” Åke was no longer retired. And that is how he intends to stay.
Åke went back to his lab, met Peter Stenström (who had just sold a business and is now our CEO) over a coffee, and in 2015 Gaia Biomaterials was created.
Today we have a plant in Helsingborg Sweden where we not only manufacture Biodolomer granules. We also produce grocery bags, aprons and several other products for the Swedish market. Were not just lab-people. We know production, sales, marketing, end customer demands.
Biodolomer at a glance
Calcium carbonate
Sugar cane
Vegetable oil
Convertible to renewable energy
Gives virtually no CO2 emissions,
when energy recovered
Does not generate micro plastics