Injection Molding
All injection molding
If it can be molded, you can make it better for us all
Regardless of what comes out of your injection molds, odds are it is plastic products: Disposable cutlery, bottle caps, toothbrushes, coat hangers, toy soldiers, the little yellow things that hold the concrete reinforcement in place…
If the products you make are disposable, you can get rid of the plastic. Now.
Just put compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial in the injection molding machine and make a few adjustments to the settings, and everything you produce will become biodegradable. And your customers will stop being part of the problem and become part of the solution.
Biodolomer® compound by GAIA BioMaterials behaves like plastic and feels like plastic. But it results in some 80 % less CO2 emissions and no microplastics.
Try it. It’s just like plastic. But not.
Here are some products that are produced with injection molding using the Bidolomer® compound: