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  • Diapers | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable

    Diapers GAIA startpage Diapers Diapers are a big source of pollution. They create a lot of waste and use a lot of resources. And if they find themselves in the wrong place, they will stay in nature for a very long time. By making diapers out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial, you drastically reduce waste and CO2 emissions. While still achieving precisely the same function. And a diaper that accidentally finds itself in nature will biodegrade and disappear. Leaving no microplastics. Contact us

  • Butter packaging | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable

    Butter packaging/wrapping film GAIA startpage Butter packaging/wrapping film Wrapping food in materials that are not friendly to nature is not really a good thing. That is why most food companies look for alternatives to plastic. For example, for butter packaging. One such alternative is compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial that drastically reduces waste and CO2 emissions. While it still has the same function as the plastic alternative. And if it accidentally finds itself in nature, it will soon biodegrade and just disappear, leaving no microplastics. Contact us

  • Tire wash granules | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable

    Wheel washer granules GAIA startpage Wheel washer granules Wheels and rims are often cleaned with granules. A great system if it wasn't for the fact that large amounts of microplastics are being flushed out in the sewers. By making wheel washer granules out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial, you remove the microplastics altogether and drastically reduce waste and CO2 emissions. While still achieving precisely the same function. Contact us

  • Snuff jars | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable

    Snuff jars GAIA startpage Snuff jars Snuff jars are sold in 100’s of millions and can be made out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial instead of plastic. The function and production method are the same, but waste, energy use, and CO2 emissions are drastically reduced. And the real benefit is that instead of a plastic product that can add to garbage mountains, and ocean pollution, you get a product that will biodegrade and disappear by itself. Leaving no microplastics. Contact us

  • Waste bags | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable

    Waste bags GAIA startpage Waste bags Waste bags of all sizes are generally considered one of the biggest sources of plastic waste in nature. Still – it’s a really usable product. By making the bags out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial you reduce both waste and CO2 emissions drastically. While they still have exactly the same function. And if they accidentally find themselves in nature, they will soon biodegrade, leaving no microplastics. Contact us

  • Compostable beer cups at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

    GAIA startpage Compostable beer cups at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Compostable beer cups at the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix The beer cups, from UK-based Happy Dolphin, are the first ever to be made of compostable Biodolomer. Last weekend’s event was the first where they were used on a big scale. 150,000 cups were supplied to Ethara who are the promotors and organizers of the Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. "It's a fantastic sign of recognition to have been chosen by such a prestigeous event", says David Hughes of Happy Dolphin. “The cups are very durable and stable and are suitable for printing. They can be collected along with food waste and put straight in an industrial compost. The result will be soil that is very high in minerals.” Biodolomer, devised by Swedish company Gaia Biomaterials, is a bioplastic primarily made from natural minerals and vegetable oils. It comes in granules and can be used in most plastic production methods. It has the same characteristics as plastic – but is compostable, very durable and does not leave any micro plastoc or plastic pollution. Biodolomer is used for everything from grocery bags to cover film for agriculture. It is 100% compostable, CO2 neutral and does not result in any microplastics. "This a fantastic opportunity for us to show the world what our material can do, And that it is possible to totally eliminate plastic waste", says Gaia Biomaterials CEO Peter Stenström. The beer cups used in Abu Dhabi were developed by Happy Dolphin in order to be suitable for major events. They are sturdy, which reduces foaming from beer taps, and can be printed on all sides. Two different measurements are embossed in the cups. “They are extremely robust”, Hughes adds.“We’ve stepped on them, hit them with cricket bats, sat on them and they just wrinkle and can be put back in shape – ready for a refill. The only thing that broke them was when we ran them over with a car." Published date 28 nov. 2023 Category News

  • Testing Data sheet 3 GAIA startpage Home Property Unit Test method Grade 900480 Typical Basic Material properties of grade 900480 Certification of Compostability and Biodegrade Food Regulatory Status Form supplied and Storage Applications Note Datasheet updated 2023-06-28 10:0 (supersedes all previous editions) Download as PDF

  • Infill for artificial turf | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable

    Infill for artificial turf GAIA startpage Infill for artificial turf Artificial turf has revolutionized sports and made it possible to practice and compete all year round all over the world. But the environmental impact has led to the concept being more and more questioned. One aspect is the infill. The granules that are the “soil” under the “grass”. These granules wear out and need to be replaced and as they are worn out, microplastics are released into the underlying ground. Making the granules out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial removes this problem completely. At the same time it drastically reduces waste and CO2 emissions. While still working just as good. Contact us

  • Aprons | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable

    Aprons GAIA startpage Aprons Disposable aprons are used in large volumes both in the healthcare sector and in the food industry. And they result in large amounts of waste. By having aprons made out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial you reduce both waste and CO2 emissions. While still having exactly the same function. And if they accidentally find themselves in nature, they will soon biodegrade, leaving no microplastics. Contact us

  • An interview with Ken Hu, Senior Sales & Marketing Manager Mitsubishi International Corporation

    GAIA startpage An interview with Ken Hu, Senior Sales & Marketing Manager Mitsubishi International Corporation An interview with Ken Hu, Mitsubishi International Corporation The US market has been identified as GAIAs main priority for the international expansion, and as such, GAIA works closely together with Mitsubishi International Corporation in the US. GAIA had the opportunity and privilege to sit down with Mr. Ken Hu, Senior Sales & Marketing Manager with Mitsubishi international corporation, to ask him about the US market, the cooperation between the two companies, and the customer response to Biodolomer. GBM: What are your views on the US market for compostable bioplastics? KH: The whole market for biodegradable and compostable bioplastics really took off with the introduction of PLA, which was produced locally in the US and marketed as compostable and biodegradable. Back then, the introduction of compostable bioplastics was largely driven by brand owners, as they wanted to have something sustainable within their offering. There was also an understanding that since these new materials were expensive, the first products were marketed as a niche offering. Since then, the market has developed considerably, with more materials being introduced, and with that a greater public attention and interest in compostable bioplastics. As people started to take an interest, three distinct sustainable plastic solutions started to appear: - Compostable - Biobased - Recycled (post-consumer-recycled (PCR) plastics) Each of these categories have their pro’s and cons, and based upon them they will find their own preferred market categories where they offer the most value for money. GBM: Have you experienced a shift in the way customers view compostable bioplastics over time? Ken Hu, Mitsubishi International Corporation (Photo: Private) KH: Yes, definitely. As I mentioned, PLA was the starting point for compostable plastics in the US but, as you know, PLA has its limitations. As these limitations became more commonly known, people began to take an interest in other materials, that could offer new properties and, not the least, that didn’t require industrial composting. There was an interest in the market to upgrade from industrial composting to home composting, or backyard composting, as it is sometimes referred to in the US. Biodolomer was introduced to the American market just in time to benefit from this increased interest in home composting. Since COVID, there has been a distinct shift in the market, with price starting to play a much bigger role, as the interest for sustainable solutions have outgrown its original market niches. This has favoured the post-consumer-recycled plastics in the short term. That being said, all three solutions are growing in the market, as the difficulty to recycle some plastics has encouraged the market to opt for biobased and/or compostable bioplastics. GBM: Speaking of the US market, Has the US government introduced any mandate on biodegradable plastics? KH: The United States does not have a federal mandate specifically requiring the use of biodegradable plastics. However, there are several initiatives and regulations at both the federal and state levels aimed at reducing plastic pollution and promoting sustainable alternatives. For example, The Biden-Harris Administration has set ambitious goals to reduce plastic pollution, including a draft “National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution” by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This strategy aims to eliminate the release of plastic waste into the environment by 2040. There have also been efforts to phase out single-use plastics in federal agencies by 2035, through the “Mobilizing federal action on plastic pollution: progress, principles, and priorities.” interagency initiative. Some states have implemented their own regulations. For example, California’s AB 1201 requires compostable products to be certified by third-party organizations and prohibits the use of misleading terms like “biodegradable” on plastic products. These measures reflect a growing commitment to addressing plastic pollution and promoting more sustainable materials. GBM: What have been the customer reactions to Biodolomer bioplastics? KH: The strategy for the US market was to start with the film blowing customers, as both we and GAIA believed that there were some very interesting prospects already using compostable bioplastics in their production that could be enticed to try out Biodolomer® bioplastics, which was introduced as an alternative and/or second material to what they are already using. So far, the market response have been surprisingly positive; customers are very impressed with how easy it is to use the Biodolomer® F bioplastics in the machines, as compared with their incumbent compostable material. Another thing that has greatly impressed customers is the level of customization and support that GAIA offers. With competing grades, the customization options are limited and customers will have to make do with the material in the best way they can, whilst with GAIA’s grades, the fine-tuning opportunities means that the production and end product properties can be optimized at a whole different level. To summarize, the quality of the material, and the technical support and customization offered has had the customers pleasantly surprised. GBM: Describe, in your own words, how you think the cooperation with GAIA is working so far: KH: I think that we (Mitsubishi) and the team from GAIA have established a very good relationship, based on mutual respect for each other’s experience and expertise, and a willingness to work for the common good of the cooperation. What have made the biggest impression on me is the innovative technology that GAIA has managed to develop, and the market-oriented approach where adjustments to customer feedback and requirements are dealt with quickly and efficiently. The commitment to the US market and the customers have been excellent, and it’s something that customers feels and appreciates. GBM: Thank you, Ken for taking time out of your busy schedule to speak with us, and to share your insights into the US market. For those interested in learning more about the US market for plastics, the below links can help with a better understanding of the ambitions laid out by the current administration: Sustainable Management of Plastics | US EPA Mobilizing-Federal-Action-on-Plastic-Pollution-Progress-Principles-and-Priorities-July-2024.pdf ( ) Published date 2 okt. 2024 Category Newsletter

  • Last month, we received the first US Compostability certificate for our “nonplastic” material, Biodolomer. Biodolomer is a limestone-based bioplastic that can replace fossil plastic in almost any application.

    GAIA startpage Gaia Biomaterials goes west! Gaia Biomaterials goes west! Last month, we received the first US Compostability certificate for our “nonplastic” material, Biodolomer. Biodolomer is a limestone-based bioplastic that can replace fossil plastic in almost any application. Now things are really happening! The first sea containers are on their way across the Atlantic to converters in the USA as we speak. We even have converters who had asked for test batches to be flown over by air cargo. So, before you know it, you might find limestone-based, compostable bags, cups, drinking straws, aprons, etc., near you. If your brand is curious about how you can replace plastic with a non-plastic, reach out. Published date 3 maj 2024 Category News

  • Louise Knutsson is Gaia Biomaterial’s new sales manager for our home market

    GAIA startpage Welcome Louise! Welcome Louise! Louise Knutsson is Gaia Biomaterial’s new sales manager for our home market – Sweden. 22 years old she does not come across as your average B2B sales manager but Louise is not an average person. – I’ve been a car saleswoman with Tesla for some time, and I really like the sales process, Louise says. – When you identify the customers’ needs or problems and can find and offer a solution for them. That’s a great feeling. When the customer gets a great solution, you get both an order and the feeling of helping someone, Shifting from consumer sales to B2B is a challenge she looks forward to. – It’s like the next step in sales, and one that I have been wanting to take for some time. – I want to make a difference, and I want to work with companies that are disruptors and have solutions that can lead to change. That’s what I liked with Tesla and that’s what I like with Gaia Biomaterials. Louise will primarily work with ready-made products such as grocery/waste-bags and aprons, and team up with sales staff from distributors.– I look forward to seeing our country from every angle and to learn about what really matters for customers.– And to see much more plastic being replaced by compostable Biodolomer. Published date 12 sep. 2024 Category News

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