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  • Banana tree bags | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable

    Banana tree bags GAIA startpage Banana tree bags Plastic banana tree bags create a lot of waste. And bags that blow off can fly away and stay in nature for a very long time. By making the bags out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial you reduce both waste and CO2 emissions drastically. While still having exactly the same function. And if they accidentally find themselves in nature, they will soon biodegrade, leaving no microplastics. Contact us

  • Biodolomer® I 900392-7 GAIA startpage 900392-7 Biodolomer® I 900392-7 is a biomaterial developed for the injection molding process for medium flexible applications. It is used for screw cap and drinking cup applications. Bidolomer® I is made from renewable resources. Property Unit Test method Grade 900392-7 Typical Basic Material properties of grade 900392-7 Certification of Compostability and Biodegrade Biodolomer® I fulfills the requirements of the existing standards for industrial composting. Food Regulatory Status Biodolomer® I is one of the few compostable polymers, that complies in its composition with the European foodstuff legislation for food contact, EU Directive 10 / 2011 / EC with amendment 2023/1442. Specific limitations and more details are given on request. The converter or packer has to check the suitability of the article for the application. Form supplied and Storage Biodolomer® I is supplied as lenticular pellets in big bags. Temperatures during transportation and storage may not exceed 60 °C at any time. Storage time of unopened bags may not surpass 12 months at room temperature(*). (*) 23 °C Applications Injection-moldable products made from Biodolomer® I benefit from an optimum balance of rigidity and toughness. Biodolomer® I is very versatile in its range of applications by injection molding. They also enable customers to produce biodegradable plastic components on conventional injection molding machines. With our innovative Biodolomer® I grade, it is possible not only to fill thin-walled molds but also to achieve cycle times comparable with standard materials in the packaging industry. Furthermore, Biodolomer® I exhibit a noticeably increased flowability relative to comparable biodegradable injection molding grades. Note The information submitted in this document is based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application, these data do not relieve processors of the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and experiments; neither do they imply any legally binding assurance for a special purpose. It is the responsibility of those to whom we supply our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed. Datasheet updated 2024-06-12 9:15 (supersedes all previous editions) Download as PDF

  • Merchant Leads the Way in Sweden: Starts with Compostable Grocery Bags Before Tax is Removed

    GAIA startpage Merchant Leads the Way in Sweden: Starts with Compostable Grocery Bags Before Tax is Removed Filip Cronberg runs ICA Kvantum in Klippan. Despite the so-called “plastic bag tax” not disappearing until November, he has already started selling compostable grocery bags from Gaia Biomaterials. – We completely stopped using regular plastic bags several years ago and switched to compostable bags from Gaia, says Filip Cronberg. But when the plastic bag tax was introduced, the authorities decided that it would also apply to compostable bags. This was totally insane, but it made us completely switch to paper bags. It has now been decided that the tax will be removed starting November 1. Already today, ICA Kvantum in Klippan has reintroduced compostable carrier bags. – Both the customers and we have missed them, and now we are bringing them back. Even though there will be a few months where they are still taxed, – They are much better than the paper bags. They take up less space, hold much better for heavy goods, and are not moisture-sensitive. You can reuse them at least 10 times. And – they are compostable. The bags are made from Gaia Biomaterials’ material Biodolomer, which is based on limestone. Biodolomer is used for a variety of products as a replacement for plastic and paper and is certified compostable both in the EU and the USA. It does not produce microplastics and, if incinerated, emits up to 80% less CO2 than regular plastic bags. – Our bags removed at least 20 million plastic bags per year from the Swedish market and we completely replaced plastic at many retailers, says Peter Stenström, CEO of Gaia Biomaterials. – But when the plastic bag tax came, we pretty much shut down all production. It’s nice that lawmakers have now come to their senses. And even more fun that Filip and ICA Kvantum in Klippan are leading the way! Published date 10 juni 2024 Category Press release

  • Bubble wrap | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable

    Bubble wrap GAIA startpage Bubble wrap Plastic bubble wrap is a great product. But it creates a lot of waste and uses a lot of resources. And in the wrong place, it will stay in nature for a very long time. By making the bubble wrap out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial you reduce both waste and CO2 emissions drastically. While it still has exactly the same function. Including the “pop” sound. And if they accidentally find themselves in nature, they will soon biodegrade and just disappear, leaving no microplastics. Contact us

  • Shower curtain holders | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable

    Shower curtain holders GAIA startpage Shower curtain holders Traditionally, plastic is used to produce many things, shower curtain holders for example. By making shower curtain holders out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial, you drastically reduce waste and CO2 emissions. While still achieving precisely the same function. And a product that accidentally finds itself in nature will biodegrade and disappear. Leaving no microplastics. Contact us

  • Biodolomer® T 900442 GAIA startpage 900442 Biodolomer® T 90442 is a biodegradable biomaterial developed for the thermoforming process, with focus on drinking cups. Bidolomer® T is based on renewable resources. Biodolomer® T exhibits the following properties: • Medium strength and stiffness • High water vapor transmission rate ( WVTR ) • High melt strength: MFI (190 °C, 2.16 kg): 7 g • Good processability on conventional sheet extrusion lines up to 180 °C • Printable without corona treatment Trials are always recommended to assess the quality of the final product. Property Unit Test method Grade 900442 Typical Basic Material properties of grade 900442 Certification of Compostability and Biodegrade Biodolomer® T fulfills the requirements of the existing standards for compostable and biodegradable polymers because it can be degraded by microorganisms. The biodegradation process in soil depends on the specific environment (climate, soil quality, population of microorganisms). Food Regulatory Status Biodolomer® T is one of the few compostable polymers, that complies in its composition with the European foodstuff legislation for food contact, EU Directive 10 / 2011 / EC with amendment 2023/1442. Specific limitations and more details are given on request. The converter or packer has to check the suitability of the article for the application. Form supplied and Storage Biodolomer® T is supplied as lenticular pellets in big bags. Temperatures during transportation and storage may not exceed 60 °C at any time. Storage time of unopened bags may not surpass 12 months at room temperature (23 °C). Applications Biodolomer® T has been developed for the conversion to extruded films from 0.3 - 8 mm thickness using a sheet extrusion process with subsequent thermoforming operation. Typical applications are packaging film for cups, trays, boards, and other thermoformed containers or articles. In view of numerous factors influencing the functionality and shelf life of Biodolomer® films and finished articles made thereof, the production parameters have to be tested by the converters before utilization. Note The information submitted in this document is based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application, these data do not relieve processors of the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and experiments; neither do they imply any legally binding assurance for a special purpose. It is the responsibility of those to whom we supply our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed. Datasheet updated 2024-06-12 9:30 (supersedes all previous editions) Download as PDF

  • Tube Extrusion | GAIA BioMaterials | Compostable

    Tube Extrusion GAIA startpage Tube Extrusion All tube extrusion Featured tube extrusion grades Tube extrusion is a great production method for many disposable products, such as drinking straws. However, the products are not always so great from the planet's perspective – if you use plastic. But if you change from plastic to compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial from GAIA Biomaterials in your production it’s a whole new ball game. Then everything you produce becomes fully biodegradable. Biodolomer® compound is not only biodegradable – it results in up to 80 % less CO2 emissions and no microplastics. We supply the granules if you produce your own sheets, or we can provide Biodolomer® sheets of your preferred thickness. Try it. It’s just like plastic. But not. Here are some products that are produced with Biodolomer® compound in thermoforming : Drinking straws See product Load more Biodolomer® E 900328 Biodolomer® E 900328 is a biomaterial developed for the extrusion of thin tube, pipe and straws. See grade Biodolomer® E 900492 Biodolomer® E 900492 is a biomaterial developed for the extrusion of thin tube, pipe and straws. See grade Materials Under Development GAIA is currently developing several different materials for various applications. See grade Load more

  • Golf tees| Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable

    Golf tees GAIA startpage Golf tees This is where we all started. Golf tees that are not picked up will cause damage to mowers and pollute the course. Making golf tees out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial drastically reduces waste and CO2 emissions. While still working just as good as plastic ones. And if they are forgotten or left at the course they will decompose and disappear. Contact us

  • Biodolomer® F 900470 GAIA startpage 900470 Biodolomer® F 900470 is a biodegradable biomaterial developed for film blowing applications. It is certified for home composting. It is basically a compound of a biodegradable aliphatic-aromatic copolyester (PBAT), minerals, and plant based oils. Biodolomer® F 900470 offers a great down gauging potential needed for thin film applications like carrier bags, waste bags, aprons, breathable films, etc. Biodolomer® F exhibits the following properties: Processing temperature between 140 - 155 Celsius Excellent process-ability on conventional blown film lines Down gauging to 10 μm possible, typical thicknesses: 18 - 120 μm Good mechanical properties Wet strength (e. g. Organic waste bag applications) Excellent welding properties Decor printable by water-based flexo printing Certified biodegradable at ambient temperatures up to 70 μm Ready to use grade The typical blow-up ratios are between 1:2.5 and 1:3. Trials are always recommended to assess the quality of the final product. Property Unit Test method Grade 900470 Typical Basic Material properties of grade 900470 Certification of Compostability and Biodegrade Biodolomer® F fulfills the requirements of the existing standards for compostable and biodegradable polymers because it is degraded by microorganisms. The biodegradation process in soil depends on the specific environment (climate, soil quality, population of microorganisms). Food Regulatory Status Biodolomer® F is one of the few compostable polymers, that complies in its composition with the European foodstuff legislation for food contact, EU Directive 10 / 2011 / EC with amendment 2023/1442. Specific limitations and more details are given on request. The converter or packer has to check the suitability of the article for the application. Form supplied and Storage Biodolomer® F is supplied as lenticular pellets in 1 t big bags. Storage time of unopened bags is at least 12 months at room temperature (23 °C). Applications Biodolomer® F has been developed for the conversion to flexible films using the blown film process. In view of numerous factors influencing the functionality and shelf life of Biodolomer® films and finished articles made thereof, the production parameters have to be tested by the converters before utilization. Additionally, sufficient field tests are required to ensure the right functionality of the articles made from Biodolomer® F. Note The information submitted in this document is based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application, these data do not relieve processors of the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and experiments; neither do they imply any legally binding assurance for a special purpose. It is the responsibility of those to whom we supply our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed. Datasheet updated 2024-06-12 9:30 (supersedes all previous editions) Download as PDF

  • Bedsheets | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable

    Bedsheets GAIA startpage Bedsheets Disposable bedsheets are used in large volumes in the healthcare sector. And they result in large amounts of waste. By having disposable bedsheets made out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial you reduce both waste and CO2 emissions. While still having exactly the same function. And if they accidentally find themselves in nature, they will soon decompose, leaving no microplastics. Contact us


    GAIA startpage CONTINUED STRONG GROWTH GLOBALLY FOR BIOMATERIALS CONTINUED STRONG GROWTH GLOBALLY FOR BIOMATERIALS The market for biomaterials continues to show strong growth, despite a global downturn in the demand for plastics during the pandemic and the introduction of disappointing European legislation for single-use plastics, according to a market study by the nova-institute. Picture: Pixabay The result of the study was presented during the 17th annual European Bioplastics Conference, held in Berlin on December 6th and 7th, and corresponds well with what GAIA BioMaterials have experienced in the market, with increasing interest for Biodolomer among potential customers. According to the study, the global production capacity for biomaterials reached 2,2 million tons in 2022 and is set to increase to 6,3 million tons in 2027. Packaging remains the largest industry, using around 48% of all materials produced. The study also confirms the ongoing trend of Asia becoming the leading region for biomaterials production with a 40% share, projected to surpass 60% by 2027. Europe still accounts for a quarter of all production, but political decisions – recent and proposed future – risk demoting Europe to a peripheral role. By contrast, legislators in countries like India and China have favoured biodegradable biomaterials over non-biodegradable alternatives. As recently as July 2022, India banned several single-use plastics products but exempted those made from biodegradable and compostable biomaterials. European policymakers pride themselves on leading the way in transitioning into the circular economy. When it comes to biodegradable and compostable biomaterials, the route they have chosen so far risks leading them down a dead end. Gaia BioMaterials is a Swedish company that develops and produces biodegradable biomaterials. With our patented material, Biodolomer®, we are revolutionizing the plastics industry and contributing to a cleaner and healthier planet. Biodolomer® is inspired by a half-a-billion-year-old packaging design from Mother Earth – the egg. Read more . Copyright © 2023 Gaia Biomaterials AB, All rights reserved. Bunkagårdsgatan 13, Helsingborg, Sverige Published date 12 juli 2023 Category News

  • Drinking bottles | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable

    Drinking bottles GAIA startpage Drinking bottles Drinking bottles are often made out of plastic. That creates a lot of waste and uses a lot of resources. And if they find themselves in the wrong place, they will stay in nature for a very long time. By having drinking bottles made out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial you reduce both waste and CO2 emissions. While still having exactly the same function. And if they accidentally find themselves in nature, they will soon biodegrade, leaving no microplastics. Contact us

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