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- Gaia Biomaterials secure $5 million rights issue
GAIA startpage Gaia Biomaterials secure $5 million rights issue. Gaia Biomaterials h as successfully concluded a $5 million rights issue. The rights issue is backed by the Swedish state owned greentech venture capital fund Almi Invest Greentech, and private international and domestic investors. Funds will be used to expand market penetration in the United States, India, and other targeted markets. Gaia Biomaterials is unique as the company’s home-compostable material, Biodolomer, is based on limestone, one of the most commonly available minerals on earth. Biodolomer can replace fossil plastic in everything from drinking cups to grocery bags. It is fully compostable with a minimal carbon footprint and does not result in any micro-plastics during the composting process, “We have a revolutionary and proprietary technology, we have the production capacity, and we have done our market testing,” says Peter Stenström, CEO. “Now, the time has come to expand our market presence. We will use our funds to expand our global network of commercial agents and train and support them.” Gaia Biomaterials is unique as the company’s home-compostable material, Biodolomer, is based on limestone, one of the most commonly available minerals on earth. Biodolomer can replace fossil plastic in everything from drinking cups to grocery bags. It is fully compostable with a minimal carbon footprint and does not result in any micro-plastics during the composting process, “We have a revolutionary and proprietary technology, we have the production capacity, and we have done our market testing,” says Peter Stenström, CEO. “Now, the time has come to expand our market presence. We will use our funds to expand our global network of commercial agents and train and support them.” One of the key investors is the Swedish state-owned greentech venture capital fund, Almi Invest Greentech. “We look for great commercial and environmental potential combined” says investment manager Jörgen Bodin. “Although we look at about 300 companies yearly we only invest in a handful”“Gaia Biomaterials has a proven track record of living up to its promises. Their product has an enormous potential as it is both climate-positive and will reduce waste and microplastics.” Gaia’s material was recently used in beer cups for the Formula 1 final in Abu Dhabi. It is also used in a variety of disposable products to replace fossil plastic, from health-care aprons to drinking straws, food containers, and planting pots. “There are very few limits,” Stenström continues. Our material can be used in various production techniques, including film blowing, bottle blowing, thermoforming, injection, and extrusion coating, with no changes in machinery. This makes it easy for brand owners to drastically reduce their CO2 emissions and reduce the waste mountain problem. Today, Gaia has a production capacity that can be scaled up to 50,000 tons/year within the existing structure. "The need for plastic replacement is recognized globally, and we are witnessing tremendous interest in our offerings. Responding to the high demand from brand owners, we are currently expanding our network of commercial agents worldwide." Published date 3 apr. 2024 Category News
4 Data sheet 4 GAIA startpage Home Property Unit Test method Grade 900470 Typical Basic Material properties of grade 900470 Certification of Compostability and Biodegrade Food Regulatory Status Form supplied and Storage Applications Note Datasheet updated 2023-06-28 10:0 (supersedes all previous editions) Download as PDF
- Komposterbara bärkassar från Gaia Biomaterials.
GAIA startpage Komposterbara bärkassar från Gaia Biomaterials. Komposterbara bärkassar. Av svenskt material. Kassar från Gaia Biomaterials ser ut som, och känns som, plastkassar. Men de är tillverkade av Biodolomer. Ett komposterbart material som utvecklats och tillverkas i Sverige. Med kalksten (krita) som viktigaste beståndsdel. Detta är starka kassar som klarar last på upp till 12 kg och som kan återanvändas upp till 15 gånger. Du kan lägga en kasse direkt i hemkomposten och se den brytas ner. Och under tiden avges inga mikroplaster. Även om den förbränns så avges 80 % mindre CO2 än med en kasse av fossilt material. Produktinformation Tillverkare : Gaia Biomaterials, Helsingborg Material: Biodolomer Komposterbarhet: Certifierat komposterbar enligt BPI (USA) och TüV Austria (EU). Godkänt för direkt kontakt med livsmedel. Lastbärarförmåga: > 12 kg Återanvändning: > 15 ggr Mått: 320/200 x 600 mm Tjocklek: 36 mikron Vikt: 27 gr Antal/låda: 500 st Antal/pall: 25 000 st Hållbarhet: 12 månader Förvaras torrt och ej i direkt solljus. För gratis prover och mer information, kontakta: Louise Knutsson Sales Manager +46 (0)704 355 330 Louise.knutsson@gaiabiomaterials.com Published date 22 okt. 2024 Category
GAIA startpage GAIA BIOMATERIALS SETS ITS SIGHTS ON THE MULCH FILM MARKET GAIA BIOMATERIALS SETS ITS SIGHTS ON THE MULCH FILM MARKET Mulch films are a crucial part of modern agricultural practices, with an estimated market value of USD3,5 Bn in 2020. But new findings suggest that mulch films contribute to the very problems they are meant to tackle, with microplastic pollution, resulting in diminishing returns from the agricultural areals available. As a leading developer of biodegradable and compostable biomaterials, GAIA has monitored the challenges associated with the mulch film market for a long time. Knowing fully well that the development of a challenging new product is a marathon, rather than a sprint, GAIA has worked methodically to bridge the hurdles associated with mulch film materials before entering the final development phase. Photo: Pixabay Mulch films and microplastics – the flip side of the coin It has been long established that microplastics are harmful to people and animals. According to findings presented by Scientists at ETH Zürich, microplastics can harm the soil and vegetation as well, which spells problems for the mulch film industry. In their study, the Scientists observed how high concentrations of microplastics in the soil caused it to repel water, thus creating disturbances in how the water flowed through the soil, resulting in areas with high concentrations of microplastics receiving considerably less water. When using mulch film, high concentrations of microplastics can amass in partial areas, leading to an insufficient water supply to the plants' root systems. In the worst-case scenario, this leads to dry zones where soil cultivation becomes difficult. Building a solid ground by solving the microplastics issue Given the enormous implications associated with microplastics for humans, animals, and plants alike, GAIA had already identified this as one of the most urgent issues for several applications, including mulch films, and had this marked down as a top priority. “Traditionally, compostable biomaterials have included PLA to a larger or smaller extent," explains GAIA BioMaterials’ R&D Manager Konrad Rosén. “PLA is in many ways a fantastic material, which brings stability and strength to end applications, but it also has its drawbacks: The slow biodegradation rate in low temperatures being among the biggest ones. Through a focused R&D effort that spans several different applications, utilizing the competencies and experiences of a cross-discipline team, we found a way to omit PLA from our film grades without compromising on the material properties. The result was a material certified for home composting in thicknesses previously unimaginable.” It also proved to be a breakthrough when it came to solving the problems with microplastics: A study conducted by Scientists at ETH Zürich had previously concluded that materials with the same material composition as Biodolomer® don’t generate any microplastics when dispersed in soil, but are completely biodegraded. The future of mulch film With a growing world population and the demand for increased agricultural returns, the mulch film market is expected to continue to grow, from USD3,5 Bn in 2020 to USD5,1 Bn in 2027. Currently, biodegradable mulch films only constitute a fraction of this, with PLA-free mulch films making up even less. This, however, is projected to change. Given the disturbing findings concerning the effects of microplastics in the soil, fewer and fewer countries and landowners will be willing to risk their future agricultural returns by continuing to use mulch films that will result in microplastic pollution. To retain their current returns, they will have no other option but to use biodegradable mulch film instead that does not generate microplastics. “The potential is huge,” says Peter Stenström, CEO of GAIA BioMaterials. “We’re still at the early stages of development, but given that we have the most important feature of not creating microplastics in place from the get-go, we are confident that we will succeed.” For those interested in learning more, please refer to the following articles: Soil Science of America: A LASTING IMPACT: MICROPLASTICS SETTLING INTO SOIL Vadose Zone Journal: Microplastic induces soil water repellency and limits capillary flow Science Advances: Biodegradation of synthetic polymers in soils: Tracking carbon into CO2 and microbial biomass If you are interested in cooperating with GAIA BioMaterials concerning mulch film, please contact Peter Stenström . Gaia BioMaterials is a Swedish company that develops and produces biodegradable biomaterials. With our patented material, Biodolomer®, we are revolutionizing the plastics industry and contributing to a cleaner and healthier planet. Biodolomer® is inspired by a half-a-billion-year-old packaging design from Mother Earth – the egg. Read more . Copyright © 2023 Gaia Biomaterials AB, All rights reserved. Bunkagårdsgatan 13, Helsingborg, Sverige Published date 12 juli 2023 Category News
- Shoe Cover | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable
Shoe cover GAIA startpage Shoe cover Disposable shoe covers are being used more and more in several sectors. And they result in large amounts of waste. If they are made by compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial you reduce both waste and CO2 emissions. While still having exactly the same function. And if they accidentally find themselves in nature, they will soon biodegrade, leaving no microplastics. Contact us
- A few words with GAIAs new Application Engineer Jonatan Hofslagare
GAIA startpage A few words with GAIAs new Application Engineer Jonatan Hofslagare A few words with… Jonatan Hofslagare, new Application Engineer at GAIA BioMaterials. GAIA BioMaterials (GB): You only started working for GAIA a couple of months ago, so understandably you still need to process your impressions, but how do you rate your experience so far? Jonatan Hofslagare (JH): I’m still in the honeymoon phase, so things might still change, but so far things have been everything I hoped for. And then some. I really look forward to getting into the nitty gritty of GAIA’s materials, and how I can help the customers utilizing them in the best way possible. GB: You have an extensive background within thermoplastics and packaging manufacturing, and it would it be fair to say that you are hitting the ground running at GAIA, so which previous experiences do you believe will benefit you the most in your new role? And for those not familiar with the work of an Application Engineer, what is your role? Jonatan Hofslagare, Application Engineer (Photo: Gaia BioMaterials) JH: I am very fortunate to have been working for two of the largest plastics manufacturing companies in Sweden before coming to GAIA, so I would like to think that I can contribute with the know-how necessary to move projects and processes forward. Now, I am not trying to suggest that the way I have done things previously is better than how things are currently done at GAIA, but I firmly believe that progress comes from being open to new ideas and impressions, and to value each others experiences and opinions. As the Application Engineer I will act as a Liaison Officer, working with the different people involved, inside and outside of the organisation, insofar that all information will pass through me. As such I am responsible for holding together and progressing the project from an operational point of view. GB: What made you want to work for GAIA? HA: I came across Biodolomer® while working for one of my previous employers during a few different projects, and I was impressed by the material. Now, I have worked with a substantial amount of bioplastics up until now, and most of them promise much more than their performance eventually deliver on, while Biodolomer actually worked as promised; both at the conversion and for the end use applications. I knew that if the opportunity ever arose, I would like to contribute to the ongoing development of the company and the materials. GB: Finally, what do you look forward to the most working for GAIA? JH: Getting to know more about Biodolomer® ranks high among my priorities, obviously, but I am also really looking forward to working with our customers. By better understanding their priorities and needs; why they are interested in compostable alternatives for their products and applications, and what they expect from Biodolomer®, I am convinced that I can help the process move forward towards a successful implementation. Published date 2 okt. 2024 Category Newsletter
- Carrier bags | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable
Carrier bags GAIA startpage Carrier bags Plastic carrier bags from shops and stores are generally considered one of the biggest sources of plastic waste in nature. Still – it’s a really usable product. By making the bags out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial you reduce both waste and CO2 emissions drastically. While they still have exactly the same function. And if they accidentally find themselves in nature, they will soon biodegrade, leaving no microplastics. Contact us
- GAIA Earns BPI Certification for Biodolomer T
GAIA startpage GAIA Earns BPI Certification for Biodolomer® T GAIA Earns BPI Certification for Biodolomer® T Following up the company’s impressive BPI certification for its Biodolomer® F film grades, in thicknesses up to 126 microns, GAIA continues its quest to conquer the hearts and minds of US consumers and companies by adding another BPI certification. This time for Biodolomer® T grades for thermoforming. (Photo: Genberg & Co) “With the BPI certification for Biodolomer® F, things were new for us, says GAIA R&D Manager Konrad Rosén. “It was the first time we certified a material with BPI, and although we were confident that the material would pass the certification, due to our previous experiences with TÜV Austria and DinCertco, there are always minor differences in the way the processes are structured, and the way results are viewed between the different certification bodies. This time around there were no uncertainties whatsoever.” The BPI certification is for 1000 microns and is based on the US ASTM D6400 standard, which is very similar to the European EN 13432 standard. With the new BPI certification, GAIA is rapidly building a reputation as a company that is serious about entering the US market. The company now holds BPI certifications for both thermoforming-, as well as film blowing materials, and has received FDA Authorisation for its materials for use with foods. Please find the certification document in the certificates section of our website here . Published date 2 okt. 2024 Category Newsletter
Biodolomer® E 900328 GAIA startpage 900328 Biodolomer® E 900328 is a biomaterial developed for the extrusion of thin tube, pipe and straws. It is basically a compound of a biodegradable aliphatic aromatic copolyester (PBAT), PLA, and minerals. Property Unit Test method Grade 900328 Typical Basic Material properties of grade 900328 Certification of Compostability and Biodegrade Biodolomer® E fulfills the requirements of the existing standards for compostable and biodegradable polymers because it can be degraded by microorganisms. The biodegradation process in soil depends on the specific environment (climate, soil quality, population of microorganisms). Food Regulatory Status Biodolomer® E is one of the few compostable polymers, that complies in its composition with the European foodstuff legislation for food contact, EU Directive 10 / 2011 / EC with amendment 2023/1442. Specific limitations and more details are given on request. The converter or packer has to check the suitability of the article for the application. Form supplied and Storage Biodolomer® E is supplied as lenticular pellets in 1 t big bags. any time. Storage time of unopened bags is at least 12 months at room temperature (23 °C). Applications Biodolomer® E has been developed for the conversion to extruded thin tubes. Typical applications are straws for drinks & beverages. In view of numerous factors influencing the functionality and shelf life of Biodolomer® E finished articles the production parameters have to be tested by the converters before utilization. Note The information submitted in this document is based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application, these data do not relieve processors of the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and experiments; neither do they imply any legally binding assurance for a special purpose. It is the responsibility of those to whom we supply our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed. Datasheet updated 2024-06-12 9:30 (supersedes all previous editions) Download as PDF
- 3D-printing | GAIA BioMaterials | Compostable
3D printing GAIA startpage 3D printing All 3d printing Featured 3d printing grades 3D printing the future 3D printing has opened doors to many new solutions. And just as in any other production, it is not always about making things that are made to last forever. On the contrary. Sometimes you want them to disappear after a while. Just put compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial in the printer and make a few adjustments, and everything you produce will become biodegradable. Biodolomer® compound by GAIA Biomaterials behaves like plastic and feels like plastic. But it results in some 80 % less CO2 emissions and no microplastics Try it. It’s just like plastic. But not. Toys See product Load more Biodolomer® I 900236 Biodolomer® I 900236 is a biodegradable biomaterial developed for the injection molding process. See grade Load more
- Career | GAIA BioMaterials
Job Listing GAIA startpage Career All our open positions Load more GAIA BioMaterials is owned by a strong group of strategic investors, most noteworthy Investment AB Latour. GAIA is a member of Teknikföretagen and as such respects the collective agreements signed with the unions. GAIA is always looking for bright and ambitious people to join us; be it as Employees, Distributors or Agents. Below you will find the opportunities we currently offer to the right candidates. Don’t find any openings that suit you? Please feel free to contact us with a spontaneous application: We look forward to receiving your cover letter and CV to info@gaiabiomaterials.com We don't have any open positions right now. Please come back again later. Want to know more about who we are and what we do? Get a better understanding of what GAIA is all about through the words of the people working there. So what is Gaia and Biodolomer? GAIA Biomaterials manufacture Biodolomer. A material that has most of the qualities of plastic – but not the disadvantages. You can use it for bags, jars, golf pegs, fishing nets, bottles, food trays, coffee cups – you name it. Just like plastic. But unlike plastic, Biodolomer has a limited life span. And after a while (we can set that time in the manufacturing process) it decomposes. Just as if it was a carrot or a leaf. Just like plastic. Is not. Just like plastic. Is not. Imagine a material that can be used like plastic. Works like plastic. Looks like plastic. But that is beyond plastic. Does not leave any microplastics. One that decomposes and results in 80% less CO2 emissions. We have developed and make that material. It’s called Biodolomer. Peter Stenström, CEO Why did you choose to work at GAIA BioMaterials? I had sold another business and was looking for something new to work on. I then met the founder of GAIA and realized quite immediately that I want to become a partner in this and be part of building it up. What is the future vision? That GAIA will become a really powerful alternative to the fossil plastics and to establish the company on several continents. That we build another factory is a matter of course. What does GAIA BioMaterials do for the well-being of its employees? Like many others, GAIA has staff activities, wellness allowances and coffee breaks. But, what we do above all to create well-being is to build a nice family atmosphere where we help each other. What are the main advantages of working at GAIA BioMaterials? You are involved in building something that will be big and you get the chance to develop in step with the company together with fantastic colleagues. What makes GAIA BioMaterials an attractive and modern workplace? Short decision-making paths, great participation in the processes for our employees and flexibility in how we work. We are helped to realize the possibilities and we usually jokingly say that we make world-class products - it's true. What are important qualities to enjoy this service? Collaborative, constructive, innovative, structured. Konrad Rosén, R&D Manager I chose to work at GAIA BioMaterials to be part of the growth journey from day one, be part of the entrepreneurial process and contribute to developing the product. The future vision is to be at the forefront of environmentally friendly materials, with R&D in Helsingborg and production facilities globally. For employees' well-being, we offer a gym, massages, fruit and a culture where we believe in each other. Here there is an opportunity to influence and make a difference, with fast decision-making paths and visibility. As an employee at GAIA BioMaterials, you are offered freedom under responsibility, flexible working hours and respectful communication. To thrive in the position as an application engineer, you need to be curious, responsive, social and goal-oriented. Tobias Wilbs, Finance Manager I have worked at GAIA BioMaterials since October 2023. What attracted me was, among other things, the opportunity to work in a small company where everyone has a big impact on the bottom line and that GAIA has a big role to play in a more sustainable world. The career opportunities that a growth journey provides are also inspiring. There is a constant drive forward and things happen at the pace you, as an employee, can influence in many ways. The atmosphere in my team is great, simple and straight forward. At GAIA, we build something step by step. All processes and approaches are not set, but here every employee has great opportunities to influence, which is very stimulating. Voices from within GAIA: Doing things the GAIA way Listen to GAIA’s Sales Director Niklas Rosenkvist describe the market GAIA operates within, and what is expected from the people that are put in charge of realizing it.
- GAIA Biomaterials receives US compostability certificate for limestone based bioplastic
GAIA startpage GAIA Biomaterials receives US compostability certificate for limestone based bioplastic GAIA Biomaterials receives US compostability certificate for limestone based bioplastic GAIA Biomaterials limestone-based bioplastic material Biodolomer has just been certified for compostability by BPI in the USA. Since before Biodolomer had a similar European certification by TÜV Austria. — Now we can show brands and customers that Biodolomer is certified by the two most respected authorities in the world, says CEO Peter Stenström Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) has been the leading authority on compostable products and packaging in North America for over twenty years. BPI provides third-party verification of whether an item meets ASTM’s compostability standards. It is also a method for ensuring that all claims of compostability are supported by scientific evidence, as requested by the FTC. The current BPI Certification mark covers Biodolomer for film applications. More certification processes are underway. "We have been producing Biodolomer for nine years", says CEO Peter Stenström. "Unlike many other bioplastics, it does not use materials grown on farmland. It is based on limestone, one of the most common materials on the planet." "Biodolomer does not result in any microplastics and reduces CO2 emissions by up to 80 % compared to fossil plastics if burned." Biodolomer is used for a variety of film-based applications, such as grocery bags, aprons, and various farming uses. Biodolomer granules can also be used in thermoforming, blow molding, tube extrusion, extrusion coating and 3D printing. Making it possible to use it for a large number of single-use products, from drinking straws to beer cups, bottles, and food containers. It can be used in the same production lines as traditional plastic with minimal adjustments. It is becoming increasingly clear that recycling alone can’t solve the world's plastic waste problem. Compostable materials are an important part of the solution – especially regarding food packaging – and they do not need new infrastructure. "One main concern in recycling is packaging materials that end up in food waste and contaminate it so that it can’t be composted. With BPI-certified materials such as Biodolomer, this is not a concern." Gaia Biomaterials is based in Helsingborg, Sweden, and among the owners are the investment company Latour and Swedish state-owned investment fund Almi Invest Greentech. Published date 19 apr. 2024 Category News