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- Sales Manager to GAIA BioMaterials
Job Listing GAIA startpage Career Sales Manager to GAIA BioMaterials Sales Manager to GAIA BioMaterials Take the opportunity to be part of a company at the forefront of sustainable development. Gaia BioMaterials are looking for a new colleague in the role as Sales Manager, focusing on the sales of our material Biodolomer in the European Market. Come and join our committed and dynamic team working to make a difference. Welcome with your application! We offer Joining GAIA Biomaterials offers a unique opportunity to engage with the development of Biodolomer—a groundbreaking material that combines the advantages of traditional plastics without their environmental impact. Our efforts, rooted in the visionary ideas of our founder, Åke Rosén, and supported by notable investors like Investment AB Latour, emphasize our commitment to a sustainable future. As part of our team in Helsingborg, Sweden, you'll receive a comprehensive introduction to not only our technology and operations but also our collaborative culture. This role spans across laboratory research, production, sales, and marketing, ensuring a deep understanding of our end consumers’ needs. By becoming part of our close-knit company, you contribute to our collective performance and product enhancement, fueling continuous growth and sustainable development. Latour's involvement guarantees a stable foundation and opens avenues for expansion and professional growth in line with our company's trajectory. We prioritize a thorough understanding of our industry, technology, and products, aiming to empower our team for personal and professional advancement while making a significant impact on sustainability. You will As Sales Manager, you will be responsible for developing and expanding our sales in the European market. Your key contribution will be as a stakeholder for business development and your ambition is to add value to the organization and drive development both strategically and operatively. Part of your responsibilities is to managing business models and pricing, building, and maintaining a network of agents, distributors, and direct customer contacts. Furthermore, you will: Drive sales and looking for new leads Ensure agreed sales targets are achieved Visiting existing and new customers on a regular basis Represent Gaia BioMaterials at international fairs and events. Collaborate with partners to reach global markets. Contribute to product development projects and new applications for Biodolomer Coordinate all administrative activities between customers and the internal organization Offer technical advice according to ability and experience and liaise with R&D and back office as appropriate You are Your professional experience is characterized in sales toward Industrial & Consumer packaging accounts. You are driven and self-motivated, with a proven track record of achieving sales targets and fostering strong relationships with customers. Your technical proficiency enables you to communicate complex product information in a clear and accessible manner, making you a trusted advisor to your customers. You are eager to delve into the lifecycle of biomaterials and polymers, from their design and production to their end use and recyclability, and you have a strong interest in how these materials can be innovated to reduce environmental impact. Your passion for sustainable development is at the core of your professional ethos, guiding your efforts to promote products and solutions that contribute to a greener, more sustainable world. Since the role requires engaging with a global audience and driving international sales initiatives, you are proficiency in English. You are also ready to travel within your area of responsibility. Want to know more? We are collaborating with Nexer Recruit regarding this recruitment. Please contact recruitment consultant Johanna Värmfors at johanna.varmfors@nexergroup.com , or +46 730 821 230 if you want to learn more about the position. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Since we are working with Nexer on this recruitment, we are unfortunately not able to receive applications sent directly to GAIA. Instead, please apply here . Sales Manager .pdf Download PDF • 71KB
- Technical Articles & Documents | GAIA BioMaterials
Technical articles & documents GAIA starpage News & media Articles Find technical articles or documents Read more Test Article Product applications Production methods Select production methods Industry Select industry Industry application Select industry application Results(1) Clear filter load more
- About Us | GAIA BioMaterials
About us GAIA startpage About us So what is Gaia and Biodolomer? GAIA Biomaterials manufacture Biodolomer. A material that has most of the qualities of plastic – but not the disadvantages. You can use it for bags, jars, golf pegs, fishing nets, bottles, food trays, coffee cups – you name it. Just like plastic. But unlike plastic, Biodolomer has a limited life span. And after a while (we can set that time in the manufacturing process) it decomposes. Just as if it was a carrot or a leaf. With plant pots of Biodolomer. You don't have to remove them when you plant. They just disappear. Fishing nets from Biodolomer never become ghost nets. Biodolomer products will never create garbage islands in the oceans. Latest news and media About us That sounds too good to be true – right? It does – doesn’t it? And it gets even better. Since one of the main ingredients in Biodolomer is limestone, a decomposed bag or cup out of Biodolomer actually improves the quality of the soil. Biodolomer comes in granules. Just like plastic. And those granules can be used in the same processes as other plastics. But the products that come out of those processes are part of the solution, not the problem. We’re not the result of a cool idea from some cool kids at campus Sorry. No fussball games in the office. Our story starts with our founder Åke Rosén back in 1977. Åke knows a thing or two about plastics and packaging and has a bit over 60 patents to his name. He started working with mineral-filled plastics and one of his first products was a golf peg that would dissolve in the grass overnight. And not ruin the lawnmowers the day after. Åke's work was soon recognized by Dr Hans Rausing (ever heard of Tetra Pak? That’s the Rausing we talk about), and they set up a number of companies over the years. Then Åke retired. But after hearing EU’s environmental commission talking about “we need to do something about fossil plastics” Åke was no longer retired. And that is how he intends to stay. Åke went back to his lab, met Peter Stenström (who had just sold a business and is now our CEO) over a coffee, and in 2015 Gaia Biomaterials was created. Today we have a plant in Helsingborg Sweden where we not only manufacture Biodolomer granules. We also produce grocery bags, aprons and several other products for the Swedish market. Were not just lab-people. We know production, sales, marketing, end customer demands. Biodolomer at a glance Ingredients: Calcium carbonate Sugar cane Vegetable oil Ester Benefits: Renewable Biodegradable Compostable Convertible to renewable energy Gives virtually no CO2 emissions, when energy recovered Does not generate micro plastics
- Maskinoperatörer till Helsingborg
Job Listing GAIA startpage Career Maskinoperatörer till Helsingborg Maskinoperatörer till Helsingborg Maskinoperatör Gaia BioMaterials utvecklar och tillverkar nedbrytbart biomaterial från förnyelsebara källor för att ersätta fossil plast. Bolaget grundades 2015 och har 20 anställda med huvudkontor och tillverkning i Helsingborg. Gaia BioMaterials är med sitt patenterade biomaterial BioDoloMer® med och förändrar plastindustrin genom att minska behovet av icke förnyelsebara konstruktionsmaterial. BioDoloMer® bidrar till att minska klimatförändringarna och bildar inga mikroplaster vid nedbrytning. Gaia BioMaterials är ett privatägt bolag med flera starka delägare varav den mest kända är Investment AB Latour. GAIA BioMaterials ingår i det nyetablerade investeringsområdet Latour Future Solutions som investerar i hållbarhetsfokuserade tillväxtbolag. Tjänstebeskrivning Kundskaran växer och nu söker vi ytterligare två medarbetare till vårt produktionsteam. Vi söker en positiv lagspelare som vill arbeta i ett familjärt företag där alla personer är betydelsefulla och som vill vara med och tillverka biomaterial som är till nytta för nästa generation. Arbetet innebär att styra, övervaka och kvalitetssäkra produktionsprocessen. Kärnverksamheten är tillverkning av granulat men vi tillverkar även slutprodukter i form av förkläden och bärkassar. Produktionen bedrivs för närvarande i form av tvåskift men vi räknar med övergång till treskift inom en snar framtid. Erfarenhet av granulattillverkning, filmblåsning eller påstillverkning är meriterande men vi anställer även tekniska personer som vill lära sig tillverkning av biomaterial. Har du truckkort är det bra och vi förutsätter att du kan flytande svenska i tal och skrift. Gaia växer, med kunder i framför allt Europa och USA, så för rätt person finns goda möjligheter att växa och utvecklas inom företaget och i rollen. Gaia är medlem i Teknikföretagen och omfattas därmed av kollektivavtal. Gaia har friskvård, företagshälsovård, tillgång till gym och massage. Välkommen med din ansökan i form av ett personligt brev och CV som du skickar via e-post på adress: info@gaiabiomaterials.com och ange i ämnesfältet: ”Maskinoperatör” . Frågor besvaras av VD Peter Stenström, på 0708-85 34 37. Urval görs löpande.
- Search Results | GAIA BioMaterials
131 items found for "" Milk Cartons | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable Milk Cartons GAIA startpage Milk Cartons Plastic is an ingredient in milk cartons and protects the paper from the liquid. If such a carton is not recycled properly, the plastic prevents it from decomposing. But this plastic can be replaced with compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial. If such a carton accidentally finds itself in nature, it will soon biodegrade, leaving no microplastics. Plus you drastically reduce waste and CO2 emissions. Contact us Fishing nets | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable Fishing nets GAIA startpage Fishing nets Nylon fishing nets that get lost at sea are a big problem for maritime life. Ghost nets float around the oceans and become traps for mammals and fish killing hundreds of millions every year. Making nets out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial will drastically reduce this problem as they have a density higher than water and thus sink to the bottom of the ocean, where they will biodegrade and disappear. Leaving no microplastics and reducing CO2 emissions. An easy solution to a very big problem. Read more here: Gaia Biomaterials cooperate with Catchgreen regarding the development of Biodolomer fishing nets. On Catchgreen’s website you can find lots of information: Contact us undefined Biodolomer® T 900494 GAIA startpage 900494 Biodolomer® T 900494 is a biodegradable biomaterial developed for the thermoforming process, and to withstand high temperatures. Biodolomer® T 900494 is a high mineral-filled grade, microwave safe according to EN 15284:2007 and offers composting at ambient temperatures. It is certified compostable according to EN 13432:2000. Biodolomer® T exhibits the following properties: Medium strength and stiffness Low melt strength: MFI (190 °C, 2.16 kg): 0.5 g Good processability on conventional sheet extrusion lines up to 200 °C Printable without corona treatment Microwave safe according to EN 15284:2007 Compostable according to EN 13432:2000 up to 1 mm. Compostable at ambient temperatures up to 0,5 mm (ready in Q4 2023). Trials are always recommended to assess the quality of the final product. Property Unit Test method Grade 900494 Typical Basic Material properties of grade 900494 Certification of Compostability and Biodegrade Biodolomer® T fulfills the requirements of the existing standards for compostable and biodegradable polymers because it can be degraded by microorganisms. The biodegradation process in soil depends on the specific environment (climate, soil quality, population of microorganisms). Food Regulatory Status Biodolomer® T is one of the few compostable polymers, that complies in its composition with the European foodstuff legislation for food contact, EU Directive 10 / 2011 / EC with amendment 2023/1442. Specific limitations and more details are given on request. The converter or packer has to check the suitability of the article for the application. Form supplied and Storage Biodolomer® T is supplied as lenticular pellets in big bags. Temperatures during transportation and storage may not exceed 60 °C at any time. Storage time of unopened bags may not surpass 12 months at room temperature (23 °C). Applications Biodolomer® T has been developed for the conversion to extruded films from 0.3 - 8 mm thickness using a sheet extrusion process with subsequent thermo-forming operation. Typical applications are packaging film/sheets for trays, boards, and other thermoformed containers or articles. In view of numerous factors influencing the functionality and shelf life of Biodolomer® films and finished articles made thereof, the production parameters have to be tested by the converters before utilization. Note The information submitted in this document is based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application, these data do not relieve processors of the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and experiments; neither do they imply any legally binding assurance for a special purpose. It is the responsibility of those to whom we supply our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed. Datasheet updated 2024-06-12 9:30 (supersedes all previous editions) Download as PDF Plant clips | Plant ties | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable Clips & ties for plants GAIA startpage Clips & ties for plants Plastic clips and ties are often used to secure plants in various processes. Unfortunately, they are rarely recycled and either find themselves in the soil or in the waste. By making clips & ties for plants out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial you reduce both waste and CO2 emissions drastically. While still achieving precisely the same function. And if they accidentally find themselves in nature, they will biodegrade and disappear. Leaving no microplastics. Contact us Toys | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable Toys GAIA startpage Toys Toys are a never-ending source of joy for children of all ages. But plastic toys are also a source of pollution. They create a lot of waste and use a lot of resources. And if they find themselves in the wrong place, they will stay in nature for a very long time. By making toys out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial, you drastically energy use and CO2 emissions, while still achieving precisely the same function. And the real benefit is that instead of a plastic product that can add to garbage mountains, and ocean pollution, you get a product that will biodegrade and disappear by itself. Leaving no microplastics. Contact us Combs | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable Combs GAIA startpage Combs Traditionally, plastic is used to produce many things, Combs, for example. By making combs out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial, you drastically reduce waste and CO2 emissions. While still achieving precisely the same function. And, a comb that accidentally finds itself in nature will biodegrade and disappear by itself. Leaving no microplastics. Contact us Aprons | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable Aprons GAIA startpage Aprons Disposable aprons are used in large volumes both in the healthcare sector and in the food industry. And they result in large amounts of waste. By having aprons made out of compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial you reduce both waste and CO2 emissions. While still having exactly the same function. And if they accidentally find themselves in nature, they will soon biodegrade, leaving no microplastics. Contact us 3D-printing | GAIA BioMaterials | Compostable 3D printing GAIA startpage 3D printing All 3d printing 3D printing the future 3D printing has opened doors to many new solutions. And just as in any other production, it is not always about making things that are made to last forever. On the contrary. Sometimes you want them to disappear after a while. Just put compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial in the printer and make a few adjustments, and everything you produce will become biodegradable. Biodolomer® compound by GAIA Biomaterials behaves like plastic and feels like plastic. But it results in some 80 % less CO2 emissions and no microplastics Try it. It’s just like plastic. But not. Toys See product Load more Load more undefined Biodolomer® E 900328 GAIA startpage 900328 Biodolomer® E 900328 is a biomaterial developed for the extrusion of thin tube, pipe and straws. It is basically a compound of a biodegradable aliphatic aromatic copolyester (PBAT), PLA, and minerals. Property Unit Test method Grade 900328 Typical Basic Material properties of grade 900328 Certification of Compostability and Biodegrade Biodolomer® E fulfills the requirements of the existing standards for compostable and biodegradable polymers because it can be degraded by microorganisms. The biodegradation process in soil depends on the specific environment (climate, soil quality, population of microorganisms). Food Regulatory Status Biodolomer® E is one of the few compostable polymers, that complies in its composition with the European foodstuff legislation for food contact, EU Directive 10 / 2011 / EC with amendment 2023/1442. Specific limitations and more details are given on request. The converter or packer has to check the suitability of the article for the application. Form supplied and Storage Biodolomer® E is supplied as lenticular pellets in 1 t big bags. any time. Storage time of unopened bags is at least 12 months at room temperature (23 °C). Applications Biodolomer® E has been developed for the conversion to extruded thin tubes. Typical applications are straws for drinks & beverages. In view of numerous factors influencing the functionality and shelf life of Biodolomer® E finished articles the production parameters have to be tested by the converters before utilization. Note The information submitted in this document is based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application, these data do not relieve processors of the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and experiments; neither do they imply any legally binding assurance for a special purpose. It is the responsibility of those to whom we supply our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed. Datasheet updated 2024-06-12 9:30 (supersedes all previous editions) Download as PDF Fruit and vegetable Bags | Compostable | Biodolomer | Biodegradable Fruit and vegetable Bags GAIA startpage Fruit and vegetable Bags Putting food in materials that are not friendly to nature is not really a good thing. That is why most food companies look for alternatives to plastic. For example, fruit and vegetable bags. One such alternative is compostable Biodolomer® biomaterial which drastically reduces waste and CO2 emissions. While it still has the same function as the plastic alternative. And, if it accidentally finds itself in nature, it will soon biodegrade and just disappear, leaving no microplastics. Contact us Sales Manager to GAIA BioMaterials Job Listing GAIA startpage Career Sales Manager to GAIA BioMaterials Sales Manager to GAIA BioMaterials Take the opportunity to be part of a company at the forefront of sustainable development. Gaia BioMaterials are looking for a new colleague in the role as Sales Manager, focusing on the sales of our material Biodolomer in the European Market. Come and join our committed and dynamic team working to make a difference. Welcome with your application! We offer Joining GAIA Biomaterials offers a unique opportunity to engage with the development of Biodolomer—a groundbreaking material that combines the advantages of traditional plastics without their environmental impact. Our efforts, rooted in the visionary ideas of our founder, Åke Rosén, and supported by notable investors like Investment AB Latour, emphasize our commitment to a sustainable future. As part of our team in Helsingborg, Sweden, you'll receive a comprehensive introduction to not only our technology and operations but also our collaborative culture. This role spans across laboratory research, production, sales, and marketing, ensuring a deep understanding of our end consumers’ needs. By becoming part of our close-knit company, you contribute to our collective performance and product enhancement, fueling continuous growth and sustainable development. Latour's involvement guarantees a stable foundation and opens avenues for expansion and professional growth in line with our company's trajectory. We prioritize a thorough understanding of our industry, technology, and products, aiming to empower our team for personal and professional advancement while making a significant impact on sustainability. You will As Sales Manager, you will be responsible for developing and expanding our sales in the European market. Your key contribution will be as a stakeholder for business development and your ambition is to add value to the organization and drive development both strategically and operatively. Part of your responsibilities is to managing business models and pricing, building, and maintaining a network of agents, distributors, and direct customer contacts. Furthermore, you will: Drive sales and looking for new leads Ensure agreed sales targets are achieved Visiting existing and new customers on a regular basis Represent Gaia BioMaterials at international fairs and events. Collaborate with partners to reach global markets. Contribute to product development projects and new applications for Biodolomer Coordinate all administrative activities between customers and the internal organization Offer technical advice according to ability and experience and liaise with R&D and back office as appropriate You are Your professional experience is characterized in sales toward Industrial & Consumer packaging accounts. You are driven and self-motivated, with a proven track record of achieving sales targets and fostering strong relationships with customers. Your technical proficiency enables you to communicate complex product information in a clear and accessible manner, making you a trusted advisor to your customers. You are eager to delve into the lifecycle of biomaterials and polymers, from their design and production to their end use and recyclability, and you have a strong interest in how these materials can be innovated to reduce environmental impact. Your passion for sustainable development is at the core of your professional ethos, guiding your efforts to promote products and solutions that contribute to a greener, more sustainable world. Since the role requires engaging with a global audience and driving international sales initiatives, you are proficiency in English. You are also ready to travel within your area of responsibility. Want to know more? We are collaborating with Nexer Recruit regarding this recruitment. Please contact recruitment consultant Johanna Värmfors at johanna.varmfors@nexergroup.com , or +46 730 821 230 if you want to learn more about the position. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Since we are working with Nexer on this recruitment, we are unfortunately not able to receive applications sent directly to GAIA. Instead, please apply here . Sales Manager .pdf Download PDF • 71KB undefined Biodolomer® T 900442 GAIA startpage 900442 Biodolomer® T 90442 is a biodegradable biomaterial developed for the thermoforming process, with focus on drinking cups. Bidolomer® T is based on renewable resources. Biodolomer® T exhibits the following properties: • Medium strength and stiffness • High water vapor transmission rate ( WVTR ) • High melt strength: MFI (190 °C, 2.16 kg): 7 g • Good processability on conventional sheet extrusion lines up to 180 °C • Printable without corona treatment Trials are always recommended to assess the quality of the final product. Property Unit Test method Grade 900442 Typical Basic Material properties of grade 900442 Certification of Compostability and Biodegrade Biodolomer® T fulfills the requirements of the existing standards for compostable and biodegradable polymers because it can be degraded by microorganisms. The biodegradation process in soil depends on the specific environment (climate, soil quality, population of microorganisms). Food Regulatory Status Biodolomer® T is one of the few compostable polymers, that complies in its composition with the European foodstuff legislation for food contact, EU Directive 10 / 2011 / EC with amendment 2023/1442. Specific limitations and more details are given on request. The converter or packer has to check the suitability of the article for the application. Form supplied and Storage Biodolomer® T is supplied as lenticular pellets in big bags. Temperatures during transportation and storage may not exceed 60 °C at any time. Storage time of unopened bags may not surpass 12 months at room temperature (23 °C). Applications Biodolomer® T has been developed for the conversion to extruded films from 0.3 - 8 mm thickness using a sheet extrusion process with subsequent thermoforming operation. Typical applications are packaging film for cups, trays, boards, and other thermoformed containers or articles. In view of numerous factors influencing the functionality and shelf life of Biodolomer® films and finished articles made thereof, the production parameters have to be tested by the converters before utilization. Note The information submitted in this document is based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application, these data do not relieve processors of the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and experiments; neither do they imply any legally binding assurance for a special purpose. It is the responsibility of those to whom we supply our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed. Datasheet updated 2024-06-12 9:30 (supersedes all previous editions) Download as PDF Previous 1 2 3 4 5 ... 11 Next
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Biodolomer® I 900392-2 GAIA startpage 900392-2 Biodolomer® I 900392-2 is a biomaterial developed for the injection molding process for medium flexible applications. It is used for screw cap and drinking cup applications. Bidolomer® I is made from renewable resources. Property Unit Test method Grade 900392-2 Typical Basic Material properties of grade 900392-2 Certification of Compostability and Biodegrade Biodolomer® I fulfills the requirements of the existing standards for industrial composting. Food Regulatory Status Biodolomer® I is one of the few compostable polymers, that complies in its composition with the European foodstuff legislation for food contact, EU Directive 10 / 2011 / EC with amendment 2023/1442. Specific limitations and more details are given on request. The converter or packer has to check the suitability of the article for the application. Form supplied and Storage Biodolomer® I is supplied as lenticular pellets in big bags. Temperatures during transportation and storage may not exceed 60 °C at any time. Storage time of unopened bags may not surpass 12 months at room temperature(*). (*) 23 °C Applications Injection-moldable products made from Biodolomer® I benefit from an optimum balance of rigidity and toughness. Biodolomer® I is very versatile in its range of applications by injection molding. They also enable customers to produce biodegradable plastic components on conventional injection molding machines. With our innovative Biodolomer® I grade, it is possible not only to fill thin-walled molds but also to achieve cycle times comparable with standard materials in the packaging industry. Furthermore, Biodolomer® I exhibit a noticeably increased flowability relative to comparable biodegradable injection molding grades. Note The information submitted in this document is based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application, these data do not relieve processors of the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and experiments; neither do they imply any legally binding assurance for a special purpose. It is the responsibility of those to whom we supply our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed. Datasheet updated 2024-06-12 9:30 (supersedes all previous editions) Download as PDF
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Biodolomer® I 900392 GAIA startpage 900392 Biodolomer® I 900392 is a biomaterial developed for the injection molding process for medium flexible applications. It is used for screw cap and drinking cup applications. Bidolomer® I is made from renewable resources. Property Unit Test method Grade 900392 Typical Basic Material properties of grade 900392 Certification of Compostability and Biodegrade Biodolomer® I fulfills the requirements of the existing standards for industrial composting. Food Regulatory Status Biodolomer® I is one of the few compostable polymers, that complies in its composition with the European foodstuff legislation for food contact, EU Directive 10 / 2011 / EC with amendment 2023/1442. Specific limitations and more details are given on request. The converter or packer has to check the suitability of the article for the application. Form supplied and Storage Biodolomer® I is supplied as lenticular pellets in big bags. Temperatures during transportation and storage may not exceed 60 °C at any time. Storage time of unopened bags may not surpass 12 months at room temperature(*). (*) 23 °C Applications Injection-moldable products made from Biodolomer® I benefit from an optimum balance of rigidity and toughness. Biodolomer® I is very versatile in its range of applications by injection molding. They also enable customers to produce biodegradable plastic components on conventional injection molding machines. With our innovative Biodolomer® I grade, it is possible not only to fill thin-walled molds but also to achieve cycle times comparable with standard materials in the packaging industry. Furthermore, Biodolomer® I exhibit a noticeably increased flowability relative to comparable biodegradable injection molding grades. Note The information submitted in this document is based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many factors that may affect processing and application, these data do not relieve processors of the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and experiments; neither do they imply any legally binding assurance for a special purpose. It is the responsibility of those to whom we supply our products to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation are observed. Datasheet updated 2024-02-07 10:45 (supersedes all previous editions) Download as PDF
- Applikationsingenjör till Helsingborg
Job Listing GAIA startpage Career Applikationsingenjör till Helsingborg Applikationsingenjör till Helsingborg Som applikationsingenjör hos GAIA BioMaterials kommer du ha en direkt påverkan gällande hållbar utveckling för företag inom plastindustrin. GAIA BioMaterials utvecklar och tillverkar nedbrytbart biomaterial från förnyelsebara källor för att ersätta fossil plast. GAIA BioMaterials ger kunder stöd och möjlighet att initiera och utveckla sin produktutveckling och hållbarhetsmål. Gaia BioMaterials är ett privatägt bolag med flera starka delägare varav den mest kända är Investment AB Latour. GAIA BioMaterials ingår i det nyetablerade investeringsområdet Latour Future Solutions som investerar i hållbarhetsfokuserade tillväxtbolag. Vi erbjuder Din och vår framgång bygger på god kännedom om branschen, tekniken och produkten. Du kommer ges en omfattande introduktion där du får möjlighet att lära känna dina kolleger, tekniken samt våra kunder och samarbetspartners. Du blir en del av ett familjärt bolag där alla drivs av att göra oss och våra produkter bättre och på så sätt möjliggöra fortsatt tillväxt. Du får möjlighet att arbeta med hållbara produkter och på så sätt bidra till hållbar utveckling. Vi växer och du och din roll har goda möjligheter att utvecklas i takt med bolaget. Arbetsuppgifter Som applikationsingenjör kommer du vara länken mellan säljarna och R&D och ansvara för att leda och driva kundprojekt från start till mål. Applikationsingenjören ansvarar för att tillsammans med ett hängivet säljteam och tekniker utveckla koncept, recepturer och innovativa lösningar tillsammans, via iterativa processer för kunder inom plastindustrin. Säljarna initierar kundprojekten och applikationsingenjören ansvarar som stöd vid provkörningar och kontakt med kundernas olika intressenter för att ge förslag på lösningar och ändringar i process- och materialspecifikation. I rollen träffar du också kunder via direkta besök i samband med projekten eller vid förfrågningar/RFQ, det är en till två resor i månaden. Kunderna finns i Europa och varierar från start-up’s till globala bolag med flertalet siter. Som applikationsingenjör arbetar du med flera olika kundprojekt parallellt med stöd och i nära dialog med R&D, säljare och kunder. I rollen kommer man även arbeta med mindre R&D projekt. Kvalifikationer Teknisk utbildning Kunskap inom biomaterial, polymerer eller närliggande Kunskap inom emballage, förpackningar eller maskiner som konverterar plast Kunna skriva och tala svenska och engelska obehindrat Din profil För att lyckas i rollen tror vi att du är en initiativrik och lösningsorienterad person med stort intresse för teknik, process- och materialteknik. Du är nyfiken och kreativ i ditt problemlösande och har en förmåga att kunna bryta ner detaljer likväl som att se helheten. Det är viktigt att man är service- och kundorienterad och tilltalas av kontakten med olika intressenter hos kunder. Du har förmågan att skapa förtroende genom din tekniska kompetens, strukturerade tillvägagångssätt och goda kundbemötande. Du är dessutom en lyhörd och god lagspelare som bidrar till teamets bästa. Kontakt och ansökan I denna rekrytering samarbetar vi med rekryteringskonsult Christofer Dahlman, 0702-469300 , på Intenso Teknikrekrytering. Skicka in din ansökan via länken nedan. Vi arbetar med löpande urval under denna rekrytering, vi vill därför gärna ha in din ansökan snarast möjligt. Välkommen med din ansökan ! Då vi samarbetar med Intenso tar vi tyvärr inte emot några ansökningar skickade direkt till oss. Applikationsingenjör till Helsingborg .pdf Download PDF • 868KB