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When talking about greener cars – don’t forget the disposables.
The automotive industry has taken giant leaps in the transition process. Electric drive, recycled materials, car sharing systems…. But when it comes to disposable plastic materials there has been very little change. Bodies and interiors are still protected by old-school plastic materials that end up in the bin and leave their trace of microplastics when they get caught by the wind and fly out over the sea or fields.
But these products can become biodegradable – just by switching the material used in the manufacturing process from plastic to Biodolomer®.
Biodolomer® is a fully compostable material that contains calcium carbonate. Not only does it not create plastic waste that lives forever. It contributes to earth’s natural fertility. Leaving no microplastics and resulting in some 80 % lower CO2 emissions.
Biodolomer® can be used in various production techniques, including film blowing, bottle blowing, thermoforming, injection, and extrusion coating.
Here are some automotive products that can be produced using Biodolomer®: